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Monday, June 20, 2011

Performance Management

Key Topics in Performance Management

1.Dealing with Performance Problems

2.Performance Reviews

3.Merit Pay Programs
Steps in Performance Management

Document and Communicate Responsibilities, Goals, and Objectives

Performance management is a circular, ongoing process which begins with hiring an employee. It is crucial to document and clearly communicate responsibilities, goals, and objectives when an employee begins. This documentation should be updated regularly and adjusted as needed throughout an employee's career.

Track Performance Results

In order to tell if employees are meeting the goals and objectives set for them, you must track their results in a measurable, quantitative way. Such documentation will help you give effective, ongoing feedback, and is essential for conducting annual performance reviews.

Providing Feedback

Employees need regular communication about performance. If they are meeting or exceeding their goals, they should be given specific information about what they're doing well. If they are not meeting expectations, specific and timely feedback is needed so that they can make and sustain the necessary changes.

Motivation and Rewards

All of us want to believe that our work will be appreciated and recognized. Figuring out what each employee needs is the key to effective motivation. Rewards and recognition can be monetary but there are many other ways to motivate employees.

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