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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

9 Undeniable Reasons Managers Crash and Burn

Every people has their own practical and best of the their talents to manage their works...those sort will things has been took sometime for both 'Leaders' as well as 'Follower'. If people able to chose, I am sure they are likely to be chosen as the 'Leader', right? If you thought this ways, let this below article guide you. Again, thanks, Dan, for a very good article. Also, I do learn from '5 ways to make E-mail works'

6 Ways to Make email work:

1.E-mail should bring closure to work, not create more work.
2.Turn off audible signals that an email has arrived.
3.Pretend the recipient isn’t going to open the email. Get to the point in the subject line or within the preview pane.
4.Don’t CC the world.
5.Sending an email doesn’t transfer responsibility.
6.Don’t spend more than five minutes dealing with any email.

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