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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Equator Prize 2014

Equator Prize 2014

Equator Prize 2014

Equator Prize 2014

The Equator Prize 2014 will recognize twenty-five local sustainable development solutions 
for people, nature and resilient communities. Profiles of past Equator Prize winners can be 
found here.    

Equator Prize 2014 winners will each receive $5,000 (USD), with several selected 
for ‘special recognition’ and an additional $15,000 (USD). 

Representatives of winning communities will be supported to participate in a series of 
events held in conjunction with the United Nations General Assembly, scheduled for 
September 2014 in New York.


In order to be eligible for the Equator Prize 2014, nominees must:

✔  Have been in operation for at least 3 years
✔  Be a community-based or local group, operating in a rural area
✔  Be located within a country receiving support from the United Nations 

Development Programme (UNDP), excluding countries with a high level of development

Please review our eligibility requirementsselection criteria and FAQs for more information.


The Equator Prize 2014 call for nominations will be open from January 22 – March 22, 2014
Nominations received after this date will not be considered. 

Nominations may be submitted directly by the initiative, by a partner organization, 
or by any third party that is familiar with the activities and achievements of the initiative. 
Nominators are encouraged, where possible, to quantify results and include data which 
demonstrates impacts and positive changes in socio-economic and environmental conditions.

Online nominations are strongly encouraged and can be completed at the link below. 
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