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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to 2013 and way moving forward!!!

Well, 2012 was over and 2013 took place today onward. 3 main things to complete for this year:

1. Of course, family always comes first :) it's me and still me! Try to do all my best to keep them warm and a really family life. 
2. To maintain my momentum in 2013 in term of working with UNDP, simply said, I love my job and satisfy where I was now in this 2013.
3. Keeping good relationship with 360 degree around my daily life, home, outdoor, workspace and so on. I believe in doing GOOD thing to others, the OTHERs (more or less) will turn good things back to me :)

Alright, let's double check this commitment every 3 months and update its progress :) 

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