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Saturday, March 30, 2013

My friend and I :D

Try a little seafood after work hard in this whole week

Enjoy another refreshments of 70th NSC meeting

Quiet road in Pursat province

Time to get back home...

Poor bicycle :( but it's still rolling!

Look nice and different tastes of snacks

Being eaten the beefs at Mongkul Borie district with a good precautions of the shop slogan :D

And a goodslogan logan

Good precautions "We don't have any new brand" being eaten the beefs at Mongol Borie district

Booting up before I'm starting my session

"Moon/Preah Chan Hotel" where we conducted the VRA training at Banteay Meanchey

Good morning Banteay Meanchey province! Almost forgotten Mr. Honda as well :D

Cafe in the training room... Surely it will refreshing my brain lolz. Sounds edicted :)

Desert after lunch :D long time to eat this "ផ្លែអាយ"

This is why we are here! Conduct training on Vulnerability Reduction Assessment (VRA)

Banteay Meanchey province views from the third floor where I stay

Oh my goodness 36 Celsius even night time :(

38 Celsius? The real feel is 40 Celsius!

How come it's appearing 3G signal while the real test speed just like this?

Whole week weather forecast in Banteay Meanchey

Super hot even in the night time @Banteay Meanchey

New arrangements upon the available apps

The weather is getting hotter in here

New Look of Nexus 4

Another trip to the west zone is begin