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Sunday, October 21, 2012

That's the record after Pchum Ben holidays

They're so enjoy their dinner

First time to see the her family Close-Up

My majesty was recorded in Guinness Book 'MOST STATE ROLES HELD BY A MODERN ROYAL'

Not a good welcome a long the way back, MUST BE MORE CAREFUL!

Her always kind...

We were having a great Pchum Ben ceremony together

We're here kitty, her close friend ever!!!

Always had a big board in here

Time to refill before heading home.

Friday, October 12, 2012

That's beautiful view...

They're still strong even so bad of mountainous road

Still look I AM :P

So much tea huh

@Bousra Waterfall

Another experience with kind of net

Good morning :P good to see you're not freeze in night time

They call "Sea Forest" in here

A house to sleep stay in Mondulkiri

Got ya, Mondulkiri!

After update to OMEGA, look a good ranking

Friday, October 5, 2012

Not a good position, will try another ROM soon

Hi new comers

Let's roll, daddy!

Seem not a nice welcome

Senior vs Junior

Good morning with no sunrise

That's kinda fruitful papaya

The simple floating houses

Floating houses...look so relax

Lobsters from Takeo province

Time to recall my toys, from Symbian to Android.